Documentation Projects
The PPT provides Photo and Video documentation resources to various partners
and organisations. These projects supports the livelihood of PPT Students from
Marginalised Communities by providing them work.
and organisations. These projects supports the livelihood of PPT Students from
Marginalised Communities by providing them work.
Documenting a Changing World
Team PPT undertakes various documentation projects for NGO’s, Institutes, CSR Programs, Governmental Bodies and International Agencies.
The documentation done by PPT benefits from the years of Experience of the team and many such large projects supports the livelihood of PPT Students from Marginalised Communities, Funds the Trust and encourages further growth.

Photo Documentation
Photo Documentation for CSR, NGO Sector, Print News Sector, Magazines, Institues and Governmental Bodies. The Professional Team PPT has a years of National and International Experience.
With the advent of the Video Age, PPT also creates and produces video documentation, including documentary films, PSA Videos, CSR Videos and Outreach AV's.
The PPT Team is made up of professional photographers, film-makers and writers along side PPT Students and Volunteers. It is a highly creative machinery with many strengths in various fields. Feel free to get in touch for your documentation projects at:
Partavadicha Pani
“Paratvadi’s water” is an indepth look into the Water Crisis in the Maan District of Maharashtra and its grassroots level solution. Commisoned by Coro, Produced by PPT Film Team.
Photo Documentation:
"Community Innovations to Cope with Disasters"
Commisoned by the Dhaka Community Health Trust, the Documentation was done prior to Cyclone Okhi hitting the city of Mumbai. The Documentatoin was carried out in different parts of the city by PPT Students as well as Team PPT. The Aim of the project was to study and capture how urban poor communities cope with disasters in innovative ways.