Volunteering with PPT
One of our main aims is to promote Social Documentary Photography and Inspire young minds to work on important issues. You can volunteer with the PPT to learn, engage and create positive change in communities. Fill up the form and
we shall get back to you.
Who are we looking for?
We short-list volunteers on the basis of their past work experiences,
skills, interests in Photography, Journalism and Social Work.
Photographers & Film-makers
Photographers with an interest in Documentary Photography who want to make positive change.
Research Students from the field of Social Sciences and an understanding of Indian Issues with good writing skills.

Students who are studying journalism with an interest in writing socially relevant content
Fund Raisers
Individuals who can create and run effective fund raising campaigns with strong PR skills.

The PPT Office
Our office is situated inside the beautiful Shantai Resort in the Beach Town of Guhagar (Near Chiplun, Maharashtra). Volunteers reside here for the duration of their internship and work on various projects and also take part in workshops and go on shoots with our mentors.

Learn while you work
You will be mentored by our team of Photographers and Writers and be able to learn and get valuable insight and knowldge in the field of Photography and Social Work.
Enagement and Learning
Working on different projects will help you engage with local communities and give you a better understanding of important issues and how we can use our resources to tackle them.
Working for PPT, you will be interacting with a lot of professionals from different fields both National and International. This will help you grow your network.

It was an incredible, exciting, amazing time in India and very interesting to experience. Shantai is a small paradise to work in. We developed together great ideas for this place and I supported PPT through my concepts and design knowledge. During location scouting I got so see so many things in the area, the Ayurveda factory, the labour camp with their friendly people, the fishing village where the time passes so much slower. I remember the social documentary workshop I could participate in, the meetings and shoots. I very much enjoyed the travels together, the common meals along with the Shantai music and frog concerts. Thanks to all of you!
Laura Löderbusch
Graphic Designer / PPT Volunteer
“I am ever ready to help the trust because whatever I am today is because of PPT and the guidance of Sudharak sir. Working in the many PPT Projects has taught me how to talk to people in different situations on field and has also changed my personality and perception about life.”
Journalist / PPT Volunteer
Graphic Designer / PPT Volunteer

“I’ve always had a fascination of cameras, but photography never really took the center stage as I worked as a reporter for NDTV. Until I got enrolled for a photography course and met Sudharak sir. I have not looked at anything else but photography from that day onwards. From helping in transcribing stories of acid attack victims, being part of Documentation projects. PPT has helped me gain a lot of insight into photography and now have started my own Photography company called Lens Affair. Along with photography, Sudharak sir has taught me one thing is that no matter how big you become in life always stay true to your roots and never forget where you began.”
Sakshi Kapoor
Photographer / PPT Volunteer
Frequently Asked Questions
Students, Professionals, Photographers, Writers with keen interests in Photojournalism and Social Work. Age: 18+ (If younger, will have to be allowed by legal guardian with written permission)
Volunteering does not entail any payment. Your basic stay and food is taken care of at the center. As Volunteers, you will have to abide by house rules and participate in house chores if any and treat the center as both home and office.
The experience of a lifetime and learning that you can use for the rest of your career. Volunteering with PPT and the association with the team here lasts for a lifetime. You will also network with other professionals of this field and attend our workshops.