PPT for Professionals
Photography Promotion Trust (PPT) runs professional courses and Workshops for
Photographers,Journalists and anyone who has interests in Social Documentary
Photography and wants to create Images of Change.
Photographers,Journalists and anyone who has interests in Social Documentary
Photography and wants to create Images of Change.
The PPT Social Documentary
Photography Course
The SDP course provides a detailed insight into the nuances of Photojournalism, Social Documentary and Photography. The course is designed to be an experienced based model and promotes active participation, shooting and learning. The course is an intensive 1 month residential course at our Guhagar Center- Shantai by the Lake.
A Global Perspective of Photography
With an international faculty teaching different aspects, the course provides a world view on Social Topics and Journalism. Students get the rare chance of seeing how award winning photographers approach their stories and turn them into pieces of art.
Creating an Intensive Body of Work
The Course is designed such so as to promote lots of shooting. As part of the course, the student shall create one or multiple essays/ series which they can add to their portfolio. The PPT Team shall also help promote the work and help in submitting or exhibiting the same.
Technical Knowledge
The Course will offer a thorough training in the technical side of Photography, Cameras and the associated software/processing and Editing.
The Ethics of Photo Journalism
The SDP Course delves deep into the ethics of photojournalism and what constiutes as a story or how to best showcase sensitive issues and address concerns about the same.
Shooting with Team PPT
It’s said a good listener always learns first. During this course, the students get the chance to see award winning photographers shoot, edit and talk about their work and process.
The PPT’s main mission is to promote Social Documentary Photography and encourage individuals to work, create images and fight for a cause they believe in. The SDP course is catered to each student participant and is not the usual schooling model and hence the duration, time, schedule of the course etc is all decided along with the participant. While you stay with us at our Guhagar Center, you become a part of the PPT and learn and grow with us. The course starts with fundamental understanding of the theory and mechanics of picture making with strong emphasis on ethics in photojournalism. The course also offers practical sessions and field visits with the mentors in real-time situations that will prepare the students for the real, ever-changing professional world. The core motive of the course is to provide the students an organic platform to create earnest dialogues and to evolve as a social change-maker with intimate and responsible visual content.
For a detailed course itinerary and fee structure, fill up the form in the link below and Team PPT shall get in touch with you.
Book a PPT Workshop
Learn photography from the PPT team by booking us to conduct workshops at your Corporate office, College, School, University, Festiival or NGO.
The PPT believes the camera is the most powerful tool to create awareness about issues in small or marginalised communities. If you represent a community which you think can benefit from our workshops or you are from an NGO working in that space. Drop us an e-mail about it at: